So, i've been slowly sifting through my dozen or so SD cards to pull all the photos we took in New Orleans off. I am mostly recovered from the plague that had me out of work for three days- getting sick right after coming back from vacation is hell. Add to being sick, an allergic reaction to the meds that are supposed to make me better and you have my week. Not to mention that a part of my car, mind you a part that had JUST BEEN REPLACED, fell off while i was driving back alone from taking the kids back on sunday, and you have what is effectively the worst week ever. (from a sheer number of bad things standpoint)
I thought since i was feeling crappy (i HATE lingering coughs), i would make a list of things that make me smile. In no particular order they are:
1. Cuddling up with Andy and at least 2 kitties on the couch and watching tv (like smallville and if walls could talk)
2. IT Crowd. 'nuf said. :)
3. the weight of a 200g package of Bronzclay in my hand. I don't know what i'm going to make yet, but it can be BIG!
4. getting three pieces of my halloween costume that was supposed to be for this year but will now be for next year done. (it's just the shoes, the hat and the sleeves, but it's progress!)
5. Cleaning off my workspace and finding a strand of high quality designer cut beads i forgot i bought. (i often hide things from myself)
6. Percy sleeping on my pillow with her paws wrapped around my face and her purr in my ear.
7. NIN and Enigma. Pretty much any song from any cd of either band and i'm in a better mood instantly. (although "with teeth" and "A Posteriori" are my favorites)
8. My new Absinthe glass and spoon and my **3** bottles of absinthe! Especially the bottles of Mata Hari and Le Tourment Vert. Drinking it with friends makes it even better. :)
9. I finally put stickers on my car- two super sexy silhouettes, one with these great bat wings and the other just looking spooky, a NIN sticker and a cute kitty in flames- like a hell-cat. the two apple stickers i had didn't count- they weren't really stickers- more like identification that i was in fact an enlightened being. I realize the superiority of Apple, i just can't afford it yet. :)
10. The Ocarina app i downloaded to my iPhone. It turns my phone into a musical instrument! i had to download it to see how it worked and i'm hooked. Nothing i play sounds like music, but i am just so amazed at the fact that it works!