Friday, July 01, 2016

Creative Life - Week 26

The blogger app has been eating my posts, so i haven't been able to consistently post like i mean to. June flew past me so quickly i didn't even have time to enjoy the passing of birthday month and it was nearly 11 today before i realized it was July... i've been trying to get in the studio regularly, but i'm still working through getting new product in the system and on the shelves, so my creative time has been rather lacking.

With silver prices skyrocketing in the wake of Brexit, i'm hesitant to move forward with my silver line. I think copper and bronze with silver accents are going to still be the thing this fall, at least for my customer base, but i'm dying to make little jewel encrusted spiculum and air chased neck pieces decorated with some of the gorgeous turquoise i bought out west. Maybe i'll make them anyway, prices be damned.

I have been doing more sculpture/decoration stuff lately (at least i'm making something) including this cool family tree i did for a friend's mom. It's not tacked down yet, so that's why it's a weird angle.

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