Friday, September 18, 2015

Weekly Challenge - Week 37

Here's a photo of my gorgeous Willow cat. she loves to snuggle the blanket. I've been sick this week, so there's been lots of kitty snuggle time. While the cuddle time and down time is needed, Cooper Young is tomorrow, so i've needed studio time this week, that i sadly have not gotten. I will not stress about it though- i'll have what i have for sale at the show and anything that's not ready or labeled or whatever will be available at Pink Palace next month and it will be fine. :) 

Here's an in-process photo of the air chased sterling silver and boro glass pendant i've been working on. it's almost finished now, but i haven't taken another photo yet. i love air chasing! It's so organic and interesting and i love learning how to make the metal do what i picture in my head.

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